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The Plymouth Fragment Society

Helping Plymouth Families Since 1818

The Plymouth Fragment Society is one of the oldest continuously operating non-profits in the United States, founded in 1818. It is dedicated to helping our neighbors in Plymouth, Massachusetts, with one-time assistance in paying bills in order to provide them with a helping hand to get back on their feet. We envision a community in which everyone is supported and uplifted by their neighbors when faced with an unexpected situation.
Our Story

The Society was founded by Marie de Verdier, a young Swedish woman who came to this country as the bride of Lothrop Turner, a local sea captain. Arriving around the time of the War of 1812, when Plymouth was experiencing great economic hardship, she went about enlisting the people of Plymouth in benevolent work, eventually founding the Fragment Society on February 18, 1818. Among other things, the group collected donations of scraps or “fragments” of cloth to be re-made into garments for the needy. From that time to the present, the Society has stood ready to give a helping hand to those who have encountered trying circumstances.

Marie de Verdier Turner died in March of 1838 and is buried beside her baby daughter. They are buried in Oak Grove Cemetery near the top of the hill on the left side of the first Summer St. entrance. Her husband died in Havana fourteen years earlier. We were initially funded through bequests starting in 1877 and, because of that, the organization was incorporated in March of that year with the purpose being the relief of the deserving people of said town. For some time, the dues for becoming a member of PFS were 50 cents a year or $10 for a lifetime membership. The current dues are  $50 for a lifetime membership.

Application for assistance

Those requesting assistance must complete an application in FULL which helps the board determine the need and if there are other agencies available to provide assistance.  Even if you think it is not relevant please fill in EVERY SECTION completely. The application process reviews income, as well as regular and extraordinary expenses, in an effort to what extent requested assistance will alleviate the situation. Confidentiality is guaranteed and home visits are made when deemed necessary.

Apply Here For Assistance

Thanks for applying!
We meet once a month to review applications. Applications must be complete and submitted by the 25th of the month in order to be considered at the next meeting. Our resources for sharing are limited. We are not always able to fill all the applications that we receive. 

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Lifetime Membership only available



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